Handy review of medical terms commonly used in medical and legal settings while talking about the wonders of the human body.
Review of The Code of Ethics for Healthcare Interpreters (NCIHC).
This 5.5-hour webinar will be presented in ENGLISH & SPANISH.
DURATION: 5.5 hours total = 5 hours of instruction + a 30-minute break
*Once you've registered, you will receive a LINK TO JOIN the ZOOM MEETING
FULLY REFUNDABLE: You may cancel or make changes at any time for any reason.
"It was really nice to be part of such wonderful seminar. I liked everything about your class. The power point slides, the content, the interaction and the print outs were all of great help and useful and it was a comfortable environment where I didn’t feel embarrassed to make mistakes. But more importantly you are a very nice person and very approachable and knowledgeable. I’ll definitely recommend your class to my interpreter friends".
❤️M. E., State-Certified Spanish Interpreter (California)
“Thank you so much. I have never enjoyed a webinar as much as I did yours and I am being totally honest. I know that you worked hard to prepare for it and you did an incredible job. I thought “She knows as much as a doctor” – very impressive!! ♡”.
❤️M. K., State-Certified Spanish Interpreter (Washington State)
"I just finished up taking my first class with Maribel Alonso, with the focus of the class on Medical terminology. Maribel remains an exceptional teacher because she manages to take a technical subject (medical vocabulary) and by engaging everyone with her enthusiastic delivery, make it fun for everyone to learn from her, and each other. I just sat through a 5 hour zoom session and I never felt bored or distracted at any point. We all had worksheets that we were filling in as we went along, so when we were not engaged directly in the class, we were each filling in our worksheets with terms.
Great job Maribel and thank you for sharing the gift of your knowledge, training and experience with those of us who are eager to learn and develop our skills to their fullest potential".
❤️A. V. State-Certified & Medical Spanish Interpreter (California)
Thank you, Maribel. I thoroughly enjoyed and benefited from your medical terminology seminar. The 5 hours went by very fast. Wish we had 2 more hours.
❤️ N. A., State-Certified Arabic Interpreter (California)
Thank you, Maribel, for your professionalism and kindness. Your comments about the creation of a perfect human body hit home. As a Muslim, I believe that Allah's creation has been designed and created according to the highest heavenly standard of splendor and order impossible to be ever emulated by anyone.
❤️ Z. K., State-Certified Arabic Interpreter (California)
Your class was excellent! You are so knowledgeable, and your material is not only complete and accurate; it is a terrific resource of information for learning about the human body as well as terminology. Thank you. I recommend this webinar. I would take it again. Fue un gusto conocerte y aprender de tu clase.
❤️F. M., State-Certified Spanish Interpreter (California)
"Muchísimas gracias por todo! Se me pasó el tiempo volando y habría podido estar cinco horas más J Tienes un estilo muy ameno en tus presentaciones, además de conocer tu profesión “al dedillo”, pero lo que valoro por encima de todo, es tu capacidad de escucha, de recepción a lo que dicen y piensan todos los asistentes al webinario y tu humanidad en el trato con todos nosotros."
❤️J. B., Registered Spanish-French-Catalan Interpreter (California)
" Gracias a ti, Maribel, por tu excelente curso y por tu inigualable método pedagógico. No fue aburrido del todo. La participación práctica (hands-on) del grupo contribuyó mucho a ello. Me informas, por favor, de tus cursos futuros."
❤️H. N., State-Certified Spanish Interpreter (Washington State)